
Wroxton College Alumni & Friends Reunion
Saturday, October 19 | 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM

Sponsorship Opportunities

Bronze Sponsor - $1,000  
Includes 2 tickets to the event. Recognition at the event through printed signage. 
Logo displayed on event webpage. Special mention in a post event social media post.

Silver Sponsor - $1,500
Includes 4 tickets to the event. Recognition at the event through printed signage.
Logo displayed on event webpage. Special mention in a post event social media post.

Gold Sponsor - $2,000
Includes 4 tickets to the event.
Recognition at the event through printed signage and recognition during formal program.
Logo displayed on event webpage. Special mention in a post event social media post. 
A special Wroxton thank you gift for all 4 attendees.

 Event Home

 Event Registration 

If you would like to regsiter for a sponsorship, and are planning to pay via check, please email jtroxell@fdu.edu with the sponsorship level and name of attendees.

For more information please email the Office of Alumni Relations or call us at 201-692-7106.

  1. Step 1 Selection
  2. Step 2 Registration
Saturday October 19
6:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Sponsorship Opportunities to support the Annual Wroxton Reunion for alumni of FDU's Wroxton College.
I would like to make a gift to support Wroxton $
Event registration summary
Wroxton Reunion 2024 - Sponsorships:
Bronze Sponsorship
Silver Sponsorship
Gold Sponorship
